It puts the "S" in social sports!

    Universal Kicks

  • 7 week season! Teams play typically play 6-8 games pending playoff run
  • A full game is 7 innings OR 45 minutes + 1 inning
  • Maximum roster size of 14 players
  • At least 4 players of the each sex defending the field at the same time
  • Max of 10 players on the field when playing defense
  • Kicking order weaves between men/women; teams will kick their entire lineup
  • Shoes required, cleats OK. NO metal cleats

Registration Period
March 4th - April 19th

League Fees
Individuals - $50
Teams - $450

League Runs
May 2 - June 13th

Played Here
TC Civic Center Multipurpose Field

Start Times
6pm, 7pm, possible 8pm

** No Games week of July 4th **

Registration Period
April 22nd - June 7th

League Fees
Individuals - $50
Teams - $450

League Runs
June 20th - August 8th

Played Here
TC Civic Center Multipurpose Field

Start Times
6pm, 7pm, possible 8pm

Registration Period
June 10th - August 2nd

League Fees
Individuals - $50
Teams - $450

League Runs
August 15th - Sept 26th

Played Here
TC Civic Center Multipurpose Field

Start Times
6pm, 7pm;
(shifted 5:30 & 6:30 due to daylight)