Come Be a Referee!

We're always looking to expand our pool of qualified referees and umpires for the various, and growing, number of leagues, tournaments and games we currently run and the many more we want to run in the future!

We offer a paid gig in a mostly laid back, fun atmosphere! It's a great way to spend a couple hours a week and fund your weekend shenanigans. We're also super flexible with paying out our refs on their schedules!

Need cashed out night of? - done.
Want to wait until the end of a season? - we can do that to.
Gonna wait until the end of the year for a fat stack? - we got you!

If you're looking for games take a second and fill out this little form so we can get in touch with you! The more you can fill it out the better!

What's your name?
Contact Email
Where can we contact you?
Sport Experience
Which Sport(s) are you experienced and comfortable reffing?
Do you have professional credientials for the above sport?
Other Experience
Which Sport(s) are you experienced and comfortable reffing?
Double Certified
Do you have professional credientials in the above sport?
More Experience?
Which Sport(s) are you experienced and comfortable reffing?
Triple Certified
Do you have professional credientials for the above sport?
More Info
Is there anything else you want us to know before we contact you?

Required Fields