What is "Grand Traverse Social Sports"

Let us introduce ourselves.

Our Beginning

Grand Traverse Social Sports (GTSS) was founded in late 2017 with the intention to create and build up the recreational sports community in the Grand Traverse Area. As more people have come to call this place home we aim to one of those community pillars and bring sporting leagues and events into our community! Modeling GTSS after similar sports leagues around the county, we decided to try it out in Traverse City.

What does GTSS do?

We organize sports leagues with an emphasis (for now) on traditional sports. But we're always brainstorming ideas for new leagues and new sports! If you have an idea for a sport you've always wanted to see in the area, let us know! GTSS is here for our community and we would love to support your awesome events in any way possible.

What are "Social Sports"?

The name pretty much says it all. Social sports are just like regular sports, but we put a bit more emphasis on "social" and a bit less on "throw Adam Banks into the goal so you're team can win the PeeWee championship". Our leagues are all about getting out, playing sports, having fun, meeting new people, and then getting together afterward to enjoy some food and drink. If any of those sound like they're up your alley, come check us out!