It's just me, can I sign up by myself?

-- AB-SO-LUTELY! Traverse City is home to many of us from places far and wide. We don't assume you know anyone or can bring a whole team with you. So we'll happily find one for you and all the other awesome individuals that register! Many of our long time teams start this way!

I lied, I have a buddy. Can we be on the same team?

-- Heck yeah! When you sign up we've made some space to list buddies. You put their full name down and when they sign up they put your name down.
Boom, same team!!!

Are you affiliated with any other organization?

-- We are always striving to be in community with out community in interesting, sports forward ways. You can find our affiliations on our Sponsors page!

Who can play in your leagues?

-- Anyone over age 18 is welcome! We do not offer any child facing programming at this time.

Are you open to new sports league ideas?

-- Definitely! Get in touch, we'd love to hear your ideas.

Do you offer anything other than sports leagues?

-- Not yet, but we're always looking at meaningful way to expand the social side of social sports. Keeps tabs on our Facebook page and website for more ways to get involved!

I'm pretty competitive. Is GTSS right for me?

-- Healthy competition is always welcome but no one in our leagues is going to go pro so no one should be acting like it. Just follow rule #1: don't be a jerk. Doing that and you should be able to easily enjoy your time with us!